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Stop Parrot Biting - Guaranteed Way to Prevent Bites!

Published on April 02, 2020

How to get a parrot not to bite? What is the best way to stop parrot biting once and for all? This video gives you a guaranteed way to prevent you from receiving parrot bites any more!

Parrots often succumb to biting people and it makes them quite difficult to keep as a pet. Parrot and parakeet biting is very misunderstood. Many owners fixate on the bite and want to establish a consequence or punishment in an attempt to teach the parrot not to bite. Unfortunately, this does not work!Learn how to use Parrot Training Perches to teach reliable bite-free step up:

Parrots are birds and they think differently. They are prey animals and think differently. Parrots rarely bite deliberately and it is usually out of fear, defense, or avoidance. The solution to keep you from getting bit ever again? Keep your hands to yourself. If you do not grab, touch, hold, or pick up the parrot, you won't get bit! This works in just about every case, but, if you have a genuinely aggressive parrot that flies at you to bite you, then you may need to use a barrier like a cage to prevent biting.

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Stopping biting from happening ever again is easy. Don't touch the parrot or don't let the parrot out of the cage and you won't get bit. Glad we solved biting so easily! But, what is the point of having this pet if you cannot have more interaction and experience with it? This is where taming, training, a little wizardry come into play.

Do not put yourself in any proximity to your parrot unless it is properly trained and willing to do each task such as coming out of the cage, going into the cage, stepping up, allowing to be touched, petting, and handling. How to teach a parrot to accept handling and training is beyond the scope of this single video.

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Share my passion for all parrots! Watch my extensive archive of free parrot training videos. Subscribe to All Parrots on YouTube so you don't miss a new release. Watch Michael Sazhin, the Parrot Wizard, training parrots to step up, come out of cage, go back into cage, flight recall, put on a bird harness, flip upside, do tricks, and become all around great pets! Videos include parrots such as Cockatiel, Indian Ringneck, Sun Conure, Green Cheek Conure, Senegal Parrot, Cape Parrot, Galah (Rose Breasted Cockatoo), Palm Cockatoo, Timneh African Grey, Congo African Grey, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Green-Winged Macaw, and Hyacinth Macaw. Future release videos may feature other parrot species such as Parrotlet, Lovebird, Budgie, Blue Crowned Conure, White Bellied Caique, Black Headed Caique, Meyer's Parrot, Jardine's Parrot, Blue Headed Pionus, Orange Winged Amazon, Yellow Naped Amazon, Umbrella Cockatoo, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Military Macaw, Illeger's Macaw, Hahn's Macaw, and Eclectus. Thank you for visiting