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Harness Trained Baby African Grey Parrot Enjoys Going to a Park

Published on September 30, 2021

This baby Congo African Grey Parrot enjoys going for a walk to the park with me! I harness trained this parrot right from the start so that the bird could enjoy flying indoors and safely go outdoors. This is the best way to have a happy, healthy, well-socialized parrots.

A big part of why my personal parrots Kili, Truman, and Rachel are so good is because I have been using a harness with them and socializing them all the time. Socialization gets the parrot used to a variety of people, places, and objects so that the parrot would not get scared or aggressive. Having experiences like these helps open the bird's eyes to a bigger world and be cool with whatever comes.

In this video you can see how I introduce the baby grey to children, different busy parts of the playground, a sprinkler, and my baby boy. These outings are not only fun but they bring a much better behaved and relaxed parrot back home.

Learn my method for harness training baby parrots or adult parrots:

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Share my passion for all parrots! Watch my extensive archive of free parrot training videos. Subscribe to All Parrots on YouTube so you don't miss a new release. Watch Michael Sazhin, the Parrot Wizard, training parrots to step up, come out of cage, go back into cage, flight recall, put on a bird harness, flip upside, do tricks, and become all around great pets! Videos include parrots such as Cockatiel, Indian Ringneck, Sun Conure, Green Cheek Conure, Senegal Parrot, Cape Parrot, Galah (Rose Breasted Cockatoo), Palm Cockatoo, Timneh African Grey, Congo African Grey, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Green-Winged Macaw, and Hyacinth Macaw. Future release videos may feature other parrot species such as Parrotlet, Lovebird, Budgie, Blue Crowned Conure, White Bellied Caique, Black Headed Caique, Meyer's Parrot, Jardine's Parrot, Blue Headed Pionus, Orange Winged Amazon, Yellow Naped Amazon, Umbrella Cockatoo, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Military Macaw, Illeger's Macaw, Hahn's Macaw, and Eclectus. Thank you for visiting