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How to Correct Wrong Behavior in Parrots? #shorts

Published on June 09, 2022

How do you correct wrong behavior or let them know they are doing it wrong? This is a viewer question I received. Let me give you the quick answer to this question in this video.

Most of the time when parrot owners think of correcting a wrong behavior, they automatically jump to using punishment. However, punishment works very poorly with parrots because they are undomesticated wild animals. Punishment breaks the bird/human trust which is already thin to begin with. Yelling, squirting, hitting, and even putting the bird back in the cage are not effective ways to correct wrong behavior. They just make the parrot mad at the human and more likely to be uncooperative in the future.

Instead, focus on how to get the parrot to offer the right behavior and reward through positive reinforcement. Ask the parrot in an easier way or ask the parrot to do another behavior that it is really good at. Anything to have an excuse to reward your bird. Sometimes it's just a matter of ending your interaction and trying at a different time when the bird is a in a better mood.

Using this approach yields long term results where your parrot almost never does anything wrong because it is familiar with and focused on doing things right!

Learn my entire approach to parrot training from my book The Parrot Wizard's Guide to Well-Behaved Parrots:

Watch in depth parrot training videos from Parrot Academy:

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Share my passion for all parrots! Watch my extensive archive of free parrot training videos. Subscribe to All Parrots on YouTube so you don't miss a new release. Watch Michael Sazhin, the Parrot Wizard, training parrots to step up, come out of cage, go back into cage, flight recall, put on a bird harness, flip upside, do tricks, and become all around great pets! Videos include parrots such as Cockatiel, Indian Ringneck, Sun Conure, Green Cheek Conure, Senegal Parrot, Cape Parrot, Galah (Rose Breasted Cockatoo), Palm Cockatoo, Timneh African Grey, Congo African Grey, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw, Green-Winged Macaw, and Hyacinth Macaw. Future release videos may feature other parrot species such as Parrotlet, Lovebird, Budgie, Blue Crowned Conure, White Bellied Caique, Black Headed Caique, Meyer's Parrot, Jardine's Parrot, Blue Headed Pionus, Orange Winged Amazon, Yellow Naped Amazon, Umbrella Cockatoo, Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Military Macaw, Illeger's Macaw, Hahn's Macaw, and Eclectus. Thank you for visiting